The goal of restorative dentistry in Airdrie is to help you achieve a healthy set of teeth and gums for life. While cosmetic services focus only on aesthetics, the main aim of restorative dentistry is to – like the name implies – restore the function and health of your teeth which also supports your facial structure. 

Below are the different types of restorative dental treatments that our team at Yankee Valley Dental provides:

Dental Crowns

A dental crown often referred to as a dental cap fully encircles a natural tooth or is secured on a dental implant. They are ideal for covering up a single tooth. The most common reason for a dental crown is to cover decay that threatens the health of the natural tooth. This helps protect it from bacteria and food debris that can cause the cavity to worsen. 

Another reason for a dental crown is to cover up a damaged or misshapen tooth. Dental crowns can be made from porcelain, ceramic metal, or resin and are bonded securely to your natural tooth with dental cement. 

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is used to fill the gap that one or more (consecutive) missing teeth leave behind. This is a non-invasive and affordable way to restore missing teeth. This restorative option is referred to as a bridge because the end pieces are hollow (much like a dental crown) and are secured over your natural teeth or dental implant. Some patients with dental implants choose a bridge to save on costs.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the strongest restorative option but are also the most time-consuming and invasive procedure. However, the results are worth it – patients have a reliable restorative solution that functions and looks like a natural tooth.

With this procedure, the dentist will create a small incision and implant an artificial titanium tooth root into the jaw beneath the gum line. It is then left to heal over the course of a few weeks and then the artificial tooth (crown) is secured on top of the implant. 

To be a candidate for dental implants, you must have a healthy jawbone structure and gums. If there is jawbone loss, bone grafting is an option that will require additional appointments and costs. 


One of the most popular options, dentures can replace all of the teeth on the bottom or top gum lines or both. Dentures are a common choice because they’re easy and affordable. Today’s dentures look very natural and come in a full set or a partial set to replace just a few missing teeth with a metal frame that “clicks” into place.

Additionally, dentures can be fixed or permanently supported by dental implants, another cost-saving solution. 

Why restorative dental treatments are important

While we all want a beautiful-looking smile (and yes, this is important for our overall wellbeing and confidence!), restorative dental treatments go beyond aesthetics. Restoring decayed, damaged, or missing teeth helps to:

  • Prevent teeth shifting which can lead to crowding 
  • Preserve a healthy bite
  • Prevent further decay, infection, and damage
  • Strengthen your jawbone 
  • Support your facial structure as missing teeth can cause the face to “droop”
  • Boost your overall health and wellbeing
  • Save your surrounding natural teeth
  • Boost your confidence 

Where to book a restorative dentistry consultation

Of course, with any dental treatment, we want to book you in for a consultation first to assess the health of your teeth and gums. From there, we’ll recommend the best course of action depending on your desired results, your comfort level, and your budget.

You can book your restorative dentistry consultation with us at Yankee Valley Dental where our friendly team of dental experts will take great care of you. We look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile!