As a clinic in Airdrie that performs dental implants, patients often ask if the procedure is painful. This question is challenging to answer because it all depends on the patient’s pain tolerance. However, we can confidently say that today’s technologies provide patients with options to make the procedure and recovery less painful and with minimal discomfort.

In fact, emergency dentists in Airdrie rarely see cases of extreme pain or complications after dental implant surgery. It has become a well-practiced area of dentistry that produces incredible results. It’s normal to feel some anxiety and fear with any surgical procedure. To better understand the type of discomfort you might feel with dental implants, it’s good to know how the procedure is done.

How Dental Implants Are Inserted

For missing teeth, the implant replaces the original tooth root so that an artificial tooth can be placed securely on top. This allows for a solid foundation for a tooth replacement that can last for a lifetime and function like a normal tooth.

The procedure is completed in two phases:

  • 1st phase – Surgically place the implant into the jaw.
  • 2nd phase – The artificial tooth replacement is fitted on top of the implant.

There is a healing period of 3-6 months between the 1st phase and the 2nd phase.

What To Expect With Dental Implant Surgery

A good dentist will walk you through the entire procedure from start to finish so you know exactly what to expect. You can ask questions to gain a further understanding of the process. We find that this helps quell any nervousness and anxiety that our patients feel and helps them prepare for their surgery day.

During the surgery, your mouth will be completely numb. Most patients report that they don’t feel any pain during the procedure. If you’re experiencing extreme nervousness and fear, your dentist can recommend sedation options that will help make the procedure go smoothly. Remember, your dental team is here to work with you to make the surgery as comfortable as possible.

Some minor bleeding is normal after the procedure, but most patients report minimal discomfort and pain during the healing period. You can expect some swelling that should be gone after 7-10 days. Your dentist will prescribe pain killers and discuss after-care instructions with you, including cleaning and what types of food to avoid.

To Sum It Up

The thought of any surgery can be nerve-racking, but with experienced and compassionate dentists, you are in good hands. Remember, any discomfort is temporary but what you’re left with is a set of strong, beautiful teeth that can bring your confidence back for life.